
August 30, 2009

Fight Night!

What is it about this that is so enticing?.. I don't know either. It's a guy thing i guess. But even though the girls aren't really interested in the fights, its still a reason to get together with friends, have a bbq, chat and have fun!

I have one word that describes Chet, ENTERTAINMENT! He brought a whole bag full of huge jaw breakers to share..random? Anyway, I believe the winner of the jaw breaking contest was Kaycee Feild!

For the girls, its just another reason to get together and chat about more important things in life like... All the cute new clothes they just got in at Charlotte Russe!

August 17, 2009

August 16th!!!

Happy BiRthdAy cHayLa!!! I woke up yesterday to clay making me french toast and flowers and a big chocolate cake just for me on the table! I was so excited until Clay left later for the Uintas! On my birthday! Its ok though i guess cause i get to go shopping and im so excited about it!